
Life is like riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance you have to move forward.
– Albert Einstein

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Individual Sessions

Individual sessions are configured from a first visit in which the client will be evaluated, focusing on the person’s health and well-being at all levels.
We create a specific action plan combining yoga, pilates, functional exercise and quiromassage.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

It is a very subtle manual technique that treats imbalances in the craniosacral system. What we want is to listen to the body, help it and encourage it in the process of self-healing or homeostasis.

We not only act on a physical level, but also on an emotional (phobias, stress, anxiety) and endocrine level.

Usually, several sessions are needed to normalize and reorganize tensions and to be able to benefit from the treatment. (Not a massage.)

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Art Therapeutic Creative Accompaniment

(Gestalt Approach)
Art therapy is a discipline that uses art and visual media as the main means of communication. Creative artistic expression is the vehicle that allows the development of the capacity for reflection, communication, expression and personal development.

It is applied within the surroundings related to physical and mental health, emotional and social well-being in various sectors of the population.


The purpose of therapy is to get you to control and decide your own life without always depending on or needing help from your psychologist. The goal of therapy is to create independence and security.

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Nutrition is approached using the definition of health offered by the World Health Organization as a model: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of conditions or diseases”. Applying this definition to food, when making changes to nutrients or food, ensures that emotional and social well-being is taken care of.

In consultation, Nutritional Coaching is applied, which provides techniques to help you achieve goals more effectively. Through this approach, you are the one who chooses the change with the right tools.


Osteopathy emphasizes the physical manipulation of muscle and bone tissue. It is based on a series of manual techniques based on the laws that govern life and living organisms. This specialty is aimed at restoring and maintaining the balance of the body to achieve its recovery and preserve its capacity for self-regulation.

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